Monday, May 26, 2008

installing an update that could fuck everything up.
but that is to be expected. can always roll back.
how does it end up?
like this. awake later than normal.
creating something from nothing.
hope for a break and a new morning without a headache and a sore neck.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


i had a dream.
i owned a cafe.
7 generations before me had owned the cafe.
hopefully 3 would after me.
we served cake from a crystal cabinet that sat outside of the dusty sunlight that came through heavily painted windows. the fans turned, moving, moving smells of teas and coffee and the occasional cough through the screened in door that braced against the sand from the desert outside.
languages were spoken. french, arabic, hebrew, yiddish, german, spanish and danish. then i heard english.
then i heard american.
then i knew that the beauty would melt into the walls from a thermal blast.
they came and drank.
they had their coffee and left a small sack behind.
i screamed, then the blast was all...
no longer were the languages ever to speak together in my cafe.
forever we heard the cries of children in the gutters while smiles wide, glittered teeth hid behind a paper that no longer holds meaning.
our fat burned in the shreds of our clothes.
the crowd cheered. they pushed buttons on a screen.
we believed them.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008


had the most amazing dreams ever.
who said drugs were not cool after all.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Audience of One

about, god i really cannot remember when it actually happened. when did i get the text message. how many years has it been? has summer always been early and on time on queue with my depression and breakdowns. do i feel something different because of heat or am i any special thing that makes sense to anyone or can i end this sentence?

so dad died this week a few years back. did not even realize it until i had a hammer about a half inch inside the bowels of a korg keyboard...looking for something else to destroy i looked at the guitar. never will ever lose that thing.

breakdowns bring interesting times.