Thursday, February 26, 2009

by Maaike.

audioandroid 11:51
u still off werk ? 11:51
am at work
you know what I HATE
audioandroid 11:56
cheese 11:56
how all dance music that hipsters play
sidechaining the FUCK out of everything so you can hear the kick
just learn how to space out your god damned frequencies you dumb twats
ya dig?
audioandroid 11:57
yeah - over side chaining has become a bit of a convention
but not as bad as Autotune 11:57
hmmmmm not sure if i agree
haahhahahahaha death to kanye west

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i survived.
first gig in amsterdam.
people liked it but didnt understand it.
polder monkeys all of them.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Night

moved the record case thing to the living room. 3rd move is the charm.
winston is on the go and lizzy got a migraine. i cant say more than that my stomach is full and i have a bad case of the i dont know whats.

have a couple more days off work. have time to kill and no time at all. weather is shit and the rain might turn into snow.

my phone went for a swim in the toilet of the belgique and it just sounded like a gun shot outside my window. hope they got the kids who are always tagging my neighbourhood. the english spelling is a bit nice i think, posh and my lips are chapped.

cant sleep to save my life and it is all gone south and then east again.